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Bring Fitness into your Business Agenda

Bring Fitness into your Business Agenda

Everyone's read the research. Everyone's heard the experts. Having a fit workforce means better productivity, better efficiency, less absentee days, etc. etc. But what many organizations struggle with is where to start when it comes to their corporate wellness initiatives.

Building a career is time-consuming. Your employees spend their days in an atmosphere of deadlines and bottom-lines. Which leaves them very little time or inclination to think about their health and wellness.

To have a workforce that's in the best of their health, companies can start with small but important steps towards building a robust Corporate Wellness Program. Here are some things to consider:

1. Awareness:

When struggling with the pressures of the job, people tend to neglect themselves. From long periods of inactivity to not drinking enough water, from not getting enough sleep to being constantly stressed, the average working person just isn't aware of the harm being caused.

As a first step, your company can circulate information on leading a healthier work life. This could be in the form of a workshop, email or newsletters covering topics such as tips and tricks to reduce stress, information on better diets, work-life balance, etc.

2. Access:

Employees are pressed for time. When you offer easy access to health and fitness care options, it makes them more inclined to use them. This could mean a health or fitness workshop, a fitness instructor who comes to the office, access to a good gym nearby or even an in-house fitness studio.

If it's too much of an effort for your employees to access, even the most well-meaning wellness initiative will fail.

Bring Fitness into your Business Agenda

3. Incentive:

A little bit of encouragement goes a long way. Rewarding healthy behaviors is proven to ensure people repeat that behavior. The same applies to fitness. By incentivizing your workforce to keep fit, the organization helps employees create a healthy habit.

Incentives could be in the form of rewards, or it could be in offering employees subsidized fitness memberships.

4. Recognition :

When senior members of your organization advocate health and fitness, it helps the cause. It helps to lead by example. It is equally important to recognize people who invest in their success by investing in their health. When your company shows that it values such behavior, it encourages a healthier work atmosphere.

It isn't just enough to have a corporate wellness program on your books. You need to make it work. Tying up with an expert, a good health care or fitness service provider, can help you design a robust program that benefits not just your employees, but the business health of your company as well.

Find out about Corporate Wellness Programs by Fitness First.



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